People talking

The ASA, CSSA, and SSSA Publications Group publishes 13 peer-reviewed journals, two magazines, and a book library containing more than 340 titles for researchers, professionals, and students. Our monthly podcast, Field, Lab, Earth, is the podcast all about past and present advances in the fields of agronomy, crop, soil, and environmental sciences. Additionally, Decode 6 is a freely available online resource which promotes transparent and unbiased carbon and ecosystem service market information for all.

At the ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meeting, Publications presents workshops where meeting attendees can develop their writing, publishing, and peer review skills. Attendees can also meet Editors and staff of the society publications to discuss ongoing research, ask questions, and share feedback.


Publications Workshops

Workshops are interactive educational programs for a relatively small group of people which emphasize targeted learning through the demonstration and application of techniques, skills, etc. through hands-on experience. Seats are limited and pre-registration is required.

Introduction to Peer Review Workshop: Session One
Sunday, November 10, 2:00 PM-4:00 PM

Introduction to Peer Review Workshop: Session Two
Wednesday, November 13, 2:00 PM-4:30 PM

Peer review is an essential part of the scientific publishing process, but many early career professionals are not comfortable taking on this important task without experience. In this workshop, you will receive hands-on instruction on the peer review process from a team of experienced mentors. You will be placed in a group of people with similar scientific backgrounds as you gain the skills necessary to become a confident reviewer. All attendees will be expected to complete a pre-workshop assignment before attending the workshop.

Simplify Your Professional Writing Workshop: Session One
Sunday, November 10, 10:00 AM-12:00 PM

Simplify Your Professional Writing Workshop: Session Two
Wednesday, November 13, 12:00 PM-2:00 PM

We all want to be better communicators and possess the skills to tell the story of our research and explain why it matters. But, writing about science is hard, and sometimes we get caught up in unnecessary detail and jargon that can quickly lose the people we want to reach. Learning how to simplify our writing can help. This does not mean “dumbing it down;” it means making it clear, concise, and easy to read while still including complex ideas. Attendees of this workshop will learn how to make their writing more accessible to their audience. The objectives include writing concisely, the role of vocabulary, limiting jargon, and understanding readability.

Writing the Materials and Methods Section of a Manuscript Workshop
Monday, November 11, 10:00 AM-12:00 PM

A well-written Material and Methods section should be detailed enough so that a competent researcher can replicate the experiment, including the statistical analysis. The objective of the workshop is to equip participants, in a hands-on setting, with the knowledge and skills necessary to write an informative and professional Materials and Methods section for any scientific paper. You will also be expected to complete a pre-workshop assignment.