SciSoc Mtg App
The SciSoc Mtg App is available on both Apple and Android platforms.
New to the Meeting App?
Check out this quick tutorial to help you navigate useful features while building your schedule.
Create Your Agenda
- Browse papers by Date, Section/Division, or Session
- Search the program for oral and poster papers and events (updated hourly)
- My Schedule displays sessions you select
- View appointments that you make with other attendees
- Review and respond to messages that attendees send to you
- Keep information about interesting sponsors, exhibitors, sessions and presentations in My Favorites
- Receive announcements on sessions, speakers, etc. directly on your mobile device
- Exchange messages with colleagues from around the world
- Set up appointments with other attendees and create a personal schedule
- View the current list of exhibitors
- Find information about award programs, socials, and ASF lectureships