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Virtual abstract submissions open March 18, 2025.

Oral Presentation

All scientific abstracts are accepted! Gain presentation experience and professional recognition among premier agronomic, crop, soil, and related science professionals. Your efforts will expand your CV/vita, disseminate information for all to succeed, and foster lasting collaborations with your peers.

Concerned you might not have enough detail for an abstract before the submission deadline?

  • Abstracts at this point are “holding slots” that reserve your spot in the desired session.
  • The Program Planning Committee will require a title, full payment, and just enough abstract content to ensure your submissions are placed in proper sessions.
  • Research details and more solid content can be added through November 12.
  • Please note that in-person submissions cannot be transferred to virtual sessions.

Virtual Presentations

Vital information regarding virtual abstracts for CANVAS 2025:

  • All virtual presentations for CANVAS 2025 will be prerecorded for on-demand access (not livestreamed or simulive).
  • Prerecorded submissions can be oral or poster/Eposter formats.
  • Virtual submission fees are $155 ($180 after June 17) per submission. It is a flat, non-refundable rate regardless of membership level or status.
  • All virtual submission presenting authors MUST have a corresponding paid registration by the final virtual abstract submission deadline (October 1).
    • The paid registration must be at least at the Virtual Registration level.
    • Virtual abstracts without a corresponding paid registration will be withdrawn after October 2.
  • All prerecorded oral, poster, and Eposter files must be uploaded by October 30 in order to be included in the November 9-12 meeting platform.

2025 Virtual Presentation Uploading instructions

You may upload your prerecorded oral, Eposter, and/or PDF poster presentation files for the online meeting platform. Virtual oral and Eposter uploading is open through Oct. 30. PDF poster uploading is open through Nov. 12.

How to Upload Your Virtual Presentations:

  1. If you did not receive your customized upload link via email, you may log into the Speakers Corner with your abstract ID number and password. (Your abstract ID number and password can be found by logging into the Gateway Dashboard.)
  2. Select helpful uploading module instructions along the left side of the Speakers Corner to produce and upload your virtual presentation files.

Submission Tips and Tools

Important Dates

June 17, 4:00 PM CDT
    Early abstract deadline. Abstract submission fees increase $20 per abstract ($25 for non-members and Limited Virtual) after this date.

October 1, 4:00 PM CDT
    Final virtual abstract deadline.
        All virtual abstracts must be initiated and paid by this date. Submissions can be edited through November 12.

Not a Member?

Join now for as little as $145. Society members save more than $300 on registration, at least $25 in abstract fees, and receive all the benefits of membership. Students save even more! Join Now!* ASA | CSSA | SSSA